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Beware of Early Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer or cervical cancer, including one of the most attacking women in Indonesia. Early symptoms of cervical cancer are often vague, so many women pay less attention. It is not uncommon for this cancer to be discovered at an advanced stage and treatment may be too late. Data from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia shows that cervical cancer along with breast cancer occupies the first and second most cases of all cancer cases. Both types of cancer are also the two types that most get treatment at the national cancer referral center hospital.

Look at these signs

The cervix is ​​the lowest part of the uterus, which connects the uterus to the vagina, so it is more commonly known as the cervix. Cervical cancer occurs when abnormal cells grow out of control. This condition can be overcome when discovered at an early stage, through a Pap smear examination. The reason is, early-stage cervical cancer rarely shows typical symptoms. When symptoms appear, it is generally because cervical cancer cells have developed, so they begin to affect the surrounding tissue. Here are some of the early symptoms of cervical cancer that need attention:
  • Changes in vaginal fluid

  • Arising whitish along with bleeding is an unusual change in vaginal fluid. In addition, vaginal discharge that is pale, brown, runny or foul smelling that occurs continuously, is one of the symptoms of cervical cancer that must be wary of.
  • Abnormal bleeding

  • Some types of abnormal bleeding, such as bleeding outside of menstruation, more menstrual blood, longer menstruation, bleeding after menopause, or bleeding that occurs after sexual intercourse can be an early symptom of cervical cancer.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen or cervix

  • Arising pain in the lower abdomen or pelvic area, as well as pain during intercourse, can also be suspected as an early symptom of cervical cancer. Although there are other possible causes, it is important to check this condition immediately.
  • Positively infected with Human Papilloma Virus

  • Generally cervical cancer is caused by an HPV virus or human papillomavirus which can be transmitted through sexual contact. Some HPV can trigger genital warts, some cause cervical cancer.
If cervical cancer has progressed to a more advanced stage, the symptoms will get worse, including:
  • Pain in the pelvic cavity or back and bones.
  • Difficulty urinating and blood appears in the urine.
  • Swelling in one or both legs.
  • Changes in bowel habits.
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss.

Perform Periodic Inspections

To find out the condition of the uterus, regular Pap smears are important. Usually the doctor will recommend that this examination be done routinely every 3 years since women enter the age of 21 years. For women aged 30 years and over who want to check the presence of HPV in her womb can do a Pap smear test every 5 years. In this test the doctor will take a sample of cells from the cervix and check whether there are changes in the properties of cervical cells. If a change in the nature of cervical cells is suspected, it is likely that the doctor will request further tests, such as a biopsy. The doctor will take a sample of tissue from the cervix to look for possible precancerous conditions or cancer cells in the cervix. In addition to Pap smears, HPV vaccination can also be done as an effort to prevent cervical cancer. This vaccination can be given for ages 9-26 years. This method is only effective for people who have never been infected with this virus. If you want to carry out this vaccination, it should be done before active sexual intercourse. Pay close attention to the changes that occur in your reproductive organs. Perform periodic checks to find out his health condition. If you experience unusual symptoms, consult your doctor immediately to determine whether these are early symptoms of cervical cancer or other diseases.
